About us

Chester Little Theatre is Chester’s longest running theatre. We were formed in 1944 and our present venue in Gloucester Street was bought by the Members in 1962. The Theatre is entirely self-supporting and run by its members. We are a registered charity (CIO) No.1178159.
Each year we mount six productions to a high standard from a wide variety of plays in our raked Liz Stafford Auditorium which has recently had an enlarged stage area. In our updated Salisbury Studio, where we have flexible seating, we can put on more experimental theatre, including original writing, one act and full length plays with simpler settings. We have a loyal following of Supporters and season ticket holders. Our productions in the Auditorium and Studio are usually sold out. We are members of The Little Theatre Guild and the Cheshire Theatre Guild; our productions are frequently nominated and award-winning.
How you can get involved
Whatever your experience, you are welcome to join Chester Little Theatre and get involved in a variety of activities, both on and off the stage. It could be acting or supporting productions as part of the stage management team, as technical designers and operators in lighting and sound, directing plays or working as part of the set designing, building and painting team. There is a host of interesting and creative roles to be filled. Find out how to join
During productions we rely on Members to assist in Front of House duties, as ushers, or bar and refreshment staff. We also welcome Supporters to help in the running of the Theatre at these busy times.
We have an experienced set-building, set-painting and prop-making team who welcome new members with a basic knowledge of woodwork and decorating. If you are interested in the technical aspect of theatre, our Technical Director will show you how to get involved in lighting and sound, not only in the Liz Stafford Auditorium but also in our newly equipped Salisbury Studio.
Our Main Committee has a regular turn-over of members responsible for running the different areas of the theatre. We welcome new people on board to bring fresh ideas to areas such as Marketing, House Management, Stage Direction and so on. Members can also join the Committee as general members.
As an experienced or trainee director, you can join our Directors’ Committee which is responsible for choosing and directing our plays each season.
Following the interruption of Covid and lockdowns, we are safely and steadily returning to regular productions and activities. We hold playreadings of all our upcoming Auditorium and Studio productions; members, supporters and interested new members are welcome to attend. To find out about casting and production roles, click on Auditions on this website or go to Chester Little Theatre Facebook page for the latest information.
So whatever your experience or particular interests, there’s plenty to involve yourself in - and you can be guaranteed a warm welcome at the Little Theatre!

We have the following facilities
- The Liz Stafford Auditorium with comfortable seating for 124 people plus wheelchair access
- We have a lift and a toilet with access for the disabled
- An adaptable, well-equipped stage with matching technical facilities
- The Salisbury Studio on the ground floor - a well-equipped, accessible space for smaller scale and experimental performances and workshops, with wheelchair access
- A wardrobe of costumes from different periods
- A well-equipped workshop for set-building and prop-making
- Our own licensed bar, open to all members and visitors to the Theatre
Listed below are the names and positions of our Main Committee and Directors’ Committee for 2022-2023.
To get in touch with any member, please contact us.
The Trustees Committee Officers
- Chair - Charlie Nunez
- Secretary - Sue Elliott
- Treasurer - Marian Lovell
- House Manager - Malcolm Gledhill
- Bar Manager - Ray Bengree
- Box Office Manager - Vacant
- Artistic Director - Andy Fox-Hutchings
- Chief Stage Manager - Pat Cameron
- Membership Secretary - Charlie Nunez
- Marketing Manager - Ally Goodman
- Stage Director - Vacant
- Technical Director - Chris Evans
- Wardrobe Supervisor - Peter Russell
General Committee Members
- Jane Barth
- Margaret Bennett
- Alison Knott
Directors’ Committee
- Chair - Andy Fox-Hutchings
- Jane Barth
- Margaret Bennett
- Charlie Nunez
- Alison Knott
- Lexie Fox-Hutchings
- Dani Zebrowska
- Jonathan Johnston
- Kelly Cowley
- Laura Elizabeth
- Jess Toyne
Salisbury Studio Manager - Lexie Fox-Hutchings
The details above are correct as at July 2023