Sheila's Island by Tim Firth, directed by Margaret Bennett

11/03/23 - 18/03/23

Time: 19.30

Sheila's Island by Tim Firth, directed by Margaret Bennett

Bonfire night, 2019:  Sheila, Denise, Julie, and Fay are Team C in the Pennine Mineral Water Limited's Annual Outward-Bound Team-Building Weekend. Somehow team leader Sheila has managed to strand her team on an island in the Lake District!


Realising they are not going to make it to the cosy hotel finish line, the team have to challenge themselves to find ways to build an adequate night shelter with a prom dress and a sleeveless jumper, and create a rescue flag from a toasting fork and a plastic plate.  


Questions are asked;  truths are told; dirty washing is aired, -  chiefly, why are they on this bloody team building exercise when they could be relaxing at a spa?


The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford asked Tim Firth to adapt his award-winning play Neville’s Islandfor women.  Sheila’s Island had its professional premier in February 2022.  Other Tim Firth plays are the award-winning Calendar Girls, SafariPartyand The Flint Street Nativity.

Tim, our President, has kindly allowed CLT to be the first amateur group to present Sheila’s Island, which Margaret saw on tour and loved!

During the performance there will be several special effects such as fireworks noises, fog, bright lights and loud music.