Audition News - 'Zoo'

'Zoo' by Lily Bevan
Reading: Monday 18th March at 7:30pm
Auditions: Thursday 21st March at 7:30pm
Production dates: Thursday 30th May - 1st June.
This is a story of two complex, funny, awkward women - both in a mire of bosses, exes, hierarchies - both who prefer animals to people, because both need to escape.
Bonnie and Carol meet at a conference in Chester Zoo and become best friends who do everything together and help one another.
Carol lives in North Yorkshire; she is passionate about working with bats, but is navigating an angry ex husband, her silent son Paul, meddling local caving groups and the South Yorkshire bat group!
Bonnie lives in Miami. When a hurricane heads straight for the city, Bonnie hurries to keep her animals safe. In doing so she has to face the pain of her past, and awkwardness of her role at the Zoo including relationships with Ian Butterwick - the giant otter expert - and her boss Bill, to face the hurricane and save her beloved animal tribe.
CAROL - mid to late 30’s, lives in the Yorkshire dales with her teenage son. Passionate about animals but especially bats and their habitat. Has found a best friend in Bonnie.
BONNIE - mid to late 30’s, lives in Miami, a zoo keeper. Bonnie is passionate about animals and the work that she does at the Zoo. Best friends with Carol.
There are also male voiceover roles for all different ages including the teenage son. Actors may be required to double for these roles.
Actors are NOT required to do the Yorkshire and Miami accent.
To express your interest, or for further information, please email [email protected]